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NEMCRC Croft 2-3 April.

Discussion in 'Bobby Campbell Racing' started by trackdaybob, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Here we go then. My entry confirmed today ;)

    Just got to figure a way to pay for it now :eek:

    One bike is pretty much ready but for a few details. The other one is in the middle of a full engine/chassis refresh so will be a wee while yet.

    Looking forward to this now. It's always nice to go to Croft. It's a challenging place to go. Bumpy and very quick round the back. Tower to Sunny out has to be one of the best pieces of tarmac in the UK IMO.
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  2. Class!
    I should hopefully be there to cheer on Team TrackdayBob!
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  3. jfow1


    Hi mate. I have just sent my entry in. I race with the likes of Luke wobbley etc so come and say hello
  4. Good luck TDB and Jack.

    Never ridden there, will have to try and get on at some point
  5. @0luke0 Two trackdays at Croft with NL 26+27 May if you fancy it.
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  6. Here we are then. Signed on and scrutineered. It's windy. It's rainy. It's croft. In April.
    It's a big entry (30+). Be good to get out amongst it ;)
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  7. StMarks

    StMarks PTG

    Location: HU15 2DS
    Enjoy TDB, here's hoping you have a good start to your season mate.
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  8. Well it was wet yesterday and I didn't do too well. Just couldn't find my wet mojo.
    I qualified 23/26 and finished 16th in my first race.
    I only got one race as they ran out of time. I should get three today but we don't start until 12 so we'll be hard pushed I imagine.
    It's drying up here pretty quickly. Hopefully the rain will stay away.
    Also, thanks to @ginger_chris who came along yesterday to help out. Thanks mate.
  9. You seen Jack F?
  10. Seen him in the holding area. I think. That was it :D
  11. Not my photo but someone I know put it on facebook
    I came by your setup Jack but you weren't there

    I had a good weekend helping Bob out :)
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  12. @ginger_chris You had a better weekend than me fella ;)

    Not a great weekend it has to be said. I couldn't make the bike work in the wet and as it turns out, I couldn't make it work in the dry either. Placed 19th and 21st in the first two races lapping 5 seconds slower than I should/could be. I just couldn't make it happen which culminated in me getting frustrated, trying too hard whilst caught up with slower riders resulting in a highside out of Sunny Out [​IMG]

    Fuckin ouch!! Feeling it today. Maybe I've broken a couple of toes. On my clutch foot too which was entertaining on the drive back last night. There's also a hole in my elbow i can stick a finger in :eek:

    I'll mend and so will the bike.

    Clip on, brake lever guard, footpeg and brake pedal. Bit a gaffa tape and it'll be up and running again.

    Again many thanks to our @ginger_chris for helping out all weekend [​IMG] And to my mate Paul. I'd have struggled to pack up and load the van without their help yesterday evening.

  13. StMarks

    StMarks PTG

    Location: HU15 2DS
    :-?? Not a good start to the season TDB. I hope your big toe isn't amongst the casualties.?
  14. jfow1


    Bob, sorry I didn't say hello.

    I came looking for you on Saturday Afternoon. Albeit on the hunt for spares lol. But I couldn't find you.

    Crap weekend for me, crashed out in the wet on Saturday. I was Ok and the bike was the usual things broken. Pieced it back together for Sunday but it was just damage limitation and try and finish the races. I couldn't get in the groove so didn't enjoy the weekend to be honest. But hey these things happen so looking forward to getting back out in a couple of weeks.

    Sorry to hear about your off, I did see a bike laid on the side out of sunny out but didn't realise that was you.
  15. @jfow1
    Should've messaged me on here, I might have seen it and been able to help. Are you going up to East Fortune in May? I think that'll be my next one now.
  16. jfow1



    Not to worry mate I got it back together in the end. No I won't be, I only do Croft as its local but I'll be back with No Limits starting next weekend at Snetterton
  17. Well best o luck for that then. I'll maybe see you later on in the year.
  18. bob i was sector marshall sunny out saturday ,did not see a highside but saw a f600 run out onto grass,just seen this at ef august 12 be there or miss your burger n tea
  19. bob crofts on nxt weekend as being resurfaced eary april. east fortune cancelled test day and training day due to weather
  20. Thanks.
    My entry is in.

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